Doctor Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) ??
Merupakan sebuah organisasi(non-profit) perubatan kemanusiaan yang menyediakan penjagaan perubatan kecemasan dan bantuan kepada 70 buah negara dalam krisis..
"I've always admired what they do," she says. " As an organization, they're among the first to react around the world. As individuals, they're incredibly brave, leaving their homes and countries in the [service] of others." So, tomorrow- a heavy-hitting day that includes the Chanel and Valentino shows- Freja will donate her entire day's salary to the charity, together with her fellow cat walker- from
They are amazing human being! Keep up the good work! ^_^
sebenaq nya,
nak mcm ni juga. hm...
ada cara join tak? errrrrrrrr
Golongan yang berjiwa besar :)
#Ris, thanks tau share pasal ni ---> Narcissistic personality disorder
hehehe, org pernh jugak bca, sbnrnya, golongan mcmni gak terdiri daripd golongn yg nak kan perhatian/ yg kurg dpt perhatian. Banyak punca,tpi ant sbbnya, kurg kasih sayang msa zaman kanak2,remaja. Diorg rasa, cara diorg dah betul, tpi diorg tak sedar perkataan/perbuatan diorg tu lebih buat org sekeliling tak suka.
Eh..berlebih2 plak ak menulis,hahaha
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